Miffa Chan

My new friends: Xiam and Mem
May 12, 2008, 6:28 pm
Filed under: Chan family, Friends, moto, Wifibunnies | Tags: , , ,

I am still selecting some pictures from our last travel and trying to sort some notes I took while on a train or on a plane.

With a lazier than usual Father Bunny there’s still a lot to do. But let me introduce my new friends I met in Fujian province.

She and her sister were captive in a small and dirty shop near Gulangyu Island. Thank god we were there to save them.

Father Bunny took them and Miffo to visit a bike motor show. Her name is Xiam. There they took a lot of pictures, Father bunny will upload his pictures to Flickr but I suggest you to take a look onto Cyteck’s.